Business Office Responsibilities: The Business Office works closely with Administration and Staff to provide the funding needed for the instruction of Concho’s students. We also provide reports and act as the financial liaison between the District and the State of Arizona Department of Education (ADE), Auditor General and other entities.
ERATE Information:
None at this time.
Extra Curricular Tax Credit — Take control of your Arizona State Tax monies. ARS 43-1089.01 allows tax payers to take a tax credit of up to $200 (individual/head of household) or $400 (filing jointly), if they contribute to a fee based extra-curricular school sponsored activity. See the flyer for additional information.
Link to flyer: XCurrTaxCredit.pdf
Property Tax Letter of Explanation by Barry Williams, County School Superintendent TaxLevy2017Explanation.pdf
Video: Where the Tax Money Goes (Arizona Public Schools):
Budget Information:
A copy of the current budget is available at the District Business Office.
Proposed/Adopted Budget information may also be found on the ADE website at:
Link to Budget Information Pre2024 Financial Reports
Link to: Budget Information 2024 and beyond
The Governing Board will propose the budget for fiscal year on the fourth Tuesday of June. Budget will be adopted on the second Tuesday in July at 5:00pm at the regular monthly governing board meeting.
Hearing Notice and Budget Summary:
Annual Financial Report: The annual financial report (AFR) from the previous fiscal year is required to be approved by the Governing Board on or before October 15 of each year (ARS 15-904). The AFR must be made available to residents of the school district, following approval by the board. Statute allows the report to be electronically available to residents on ADE’s website and through the District’s website (see below). A member of the community may examine a hard copy of the report by contacting the business office at 337-4665, extension 309.
The Annual Financial Report is presented to the Governing Board on the first Tuesday in October due to Fall Break.
Annual Financial Report (ADE): Link to District Financial Reports
Average Teacher’s Salaries:

FY 2024-2025 Staff/Student Ratio